If you work frequently with Excel, you may find it useful to group and separate the work sheets to better organize your data. There are several situations in which it may be advantageous to have grouped or separated sheets of work, such as when working on complex projects, sales data are analyzed or detailed reports are prepared.
Group and separate the worksheets inExcel It is an effective way to organize your data and work more efficiently. With groups of worksheets, hypertext references, visualization boxes and advanced filters, you have a series of tools to organize your work sheets based on your specific needs.
Experiment with these different options and find out which method it works best for you. Remember that the key to best useExcel It is to know and exploit all available features, so that you can work more efficiently and effectively with your data. In this article, we will explore four ways to group and separate the sheets ofExcel, which will help you organize your data better and work more efficiently.
A simple way to group the work sheets inExcel It is to use the functionality of the groups of sheets. This option allows you to group the work sheets in a single display, facilitating navigation between the related sheets.
To use the groups of worksheets, follow these steps:
- Select the work sheets you want to group. You can do it by holding down the "CTRL" key and click on the desired sheets of work.
- Click with the right mouse button on one of the selected sheets and choose the "Spring sheets" option from the context menu.
- The selected sheets will now be grouped into a single display. You can identify the groups of work sheets from the header bars, which show the number of sheets in the group.
Once the work sheets are grouped, you can perform operations such as the simultaneous modification of the data on multiple sheets, the insertion of formulas that refer to different sheets and much more.
Another way to group the work sheets inExcel It is to use hypertext references. The hypertext references are connections that allow you to easily pass from one sheet to another without having to slide manually between the cards.
To create a hypertext reference, follow these steps:
- Select the text or object you want to use as a hypertext connection.
- Click with the right mouse button and select the "Hypertestual connection" option from the context menu.
- In the "Insert hypertext connection" dialog box, select "Location in the document" in the left column.
- Select the Destination Work Sheet from the drop -down menu.
- Click "OK" to create the hypertext connection.
Once the hypertext reference has been created, you can click it to quickly move on to the destination sheet. This is particularly useful when you have a large number of sheets of work and you have to go from one to the other frequently.
The display boxes are a useful tool for separating the work sheets inExcel. This functionality allows you to display multiple boxes of work sheets at the same time within the same window asExcel.
To use the display boxes, follow these steps:
- Open the work sheet you want to view in a separate box.
- Go to the "View" card in the Excel multifunction bar.
- Click on "New window" in the "Window" section.
- A new Excel window will be opened with a copy of the worksheet.
- Reduly the Excel windows so that they can view both working sheets simultaneously.
Using the display boxes, you can work on multiple working sheets in the same fileExcel without having to pass back and forth between the cards. This is particularly useful when you have to compare the data between the work sheets or when you have to copy and paste data from one sheet to another.
Advanced filters are a powerful tool to separate data inExcel based on certain criteria. This functionality allows you to filter the data in a sheet of work and copy it in a new worksheet, thus creating a separation between filtered and unrelated data.
To use advanced filters, follow these steps:
- Select the work sheet you want to filter.
- Go to the "Data" tab in the Excel multifunction bar.
- Click on "Advanced Filter" in the "Singing and filter" section.
- In the "Advanced Filter" dialog box, specify the desired filter criteria.
- Select the "Copy in another place" option and specify the destination sheet of work.
- Click "OK" to apply the filter and copy the filtered data in the new work sheet.
By using advanced filters, you can separate the data based on specific criteria, such as a specific value in a column or a combination of multiple criteria. This allows you to analyze and view only the relevant data for your analysis or report.
Published inExcel
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