5 Effective ways to add months to a date in Excel

Discover 5 effective methods to add months to a date in Microsoft Excel, including the use of integrated functions such as Edate and Dates, the use of Power Query, VBA code and Office Scripts. This article will guide you through each approach, offering you the necessary tools to easily manage the dates in your spreadsheets.


When working with temporal series analyzes, such as sales data or negotiation of equity securities, it is often necessary to calculate the period of time and interact with the functionsExcelfor date and time. There are several methods to add months to a date in Excel, each with their own specific advantages and use cases. In this article, we will explore in detail 5 distinct approaches, providing you with the tools and knowledge necessary to manage the dates fluidly in your spreadsheets.

1. Use the Hedate function to add months to one date

The Edate function of Excel returns the serial number that represents the date which is the indicated number of months before or after a specified date. This function is simple to use and can be used to quickly create complex dates calculations. It allows you to move back to or back in any number of any months.

You can use the Hedate function to calculate the expiration or deadline dates that fall on the same day of the month of the issue date. The syntax of the high function is as follows:

=EDATE(data_iniziale, mesi)


  • data_inizialeIt is the date for which you want a specific number of months before or after.
  • mesiIt is an integer, positive or negative, which represents the amount of time before or after thedata_inizialeIn months. If you provide a decimal number for the months, the formula ignores the decimal part and considers only the entire part.

You can easily apply this formula to an entire column by dragging the filling.

2. Use the date function to add months to one date

The date function in Excel is used to calculate and generate dates. It can be used to add, subtract and compare dates, as well as to create dynamic dates based on the user's input.

This function is particularly useful when dealing with time -based data, such as the calculation of the number of days between two dates or the determination of the day of the week for a date.

The syntax of the date function is as follows:

=DATE(anno, mese, giorno)


  • annoIt is a whole value for the year that can include from one to four figures.
  • meseIt is a positive or negative integer that represents the month of the year from 1 to 12 per January to December.
  • giornoIt is a positive or negative integer that represents the day of the month from 1 to 31.

You can use this formula to obtain the new date with the numbers of months of offset, applying it to the entire cell interval.

3. Use Power Query to add months to one date

Power Query is a data modeling tool that allows users to access, transform and connect data into flexible and powerful ways. It offers a simple and intuitive interface to carry out complex data mining and data analysis activities.

Power Query allows users to connect to multiple data data, clean and transform data and upload them into Excel for further analyzes. In addition, it has the ability to add months to a date value.

Here are the steps to add months to a date using power query:

  1. Select your data.
  2. Go to the "Data" tab and choose "Table/interval" in the group "Get and transform data".
  3. In the Power Query editor window, go to the "Add Colonna" tab and select "Custom Column".
  4. In the "Custom Column" window, he types "New Data" as the name of the new column and the formula= Date.AddMonths([Data], [Mesi]).
  5. Click "OK" to add the new column.
  6. Select the "Home" tab and press the "Close and charge" button to import the data to Excel.

4. Use the VBA code to add months to one date

Excel VBA is a programming language based on Visual Basic that can be used to automate activities. You can create a macro that adds a certain number of months to your dates column based on the user's input.

Here is an example of VBA code to add months to one date:

Sub Addmontodate () Dim selectdrange AS RANGE DIGME ASTERNTER 'assigns the selected interval to the SelectedRrange Set Variable SelectedRrange = Selection' Ask the user to insert the months to be added to the Data Addmonths = Inputbox ("Insert the months to be added to the date ... "," Add months to date ") for Each Cell in SeleCtedrance 'verifies whether the value of the Cella is a date IF Isdate (Cell.Value) then Cell.Offset (0, 1). Value = Dateadd ("M", Addmonths, Cell.Value) Else Cell.Offset (0, 1). Value = "is not A date "end If Next Cell End Sub

When performing the VBA code, an input box will be displayed to obtain the number of months from the user to add to the dates. The code flows the selected interval, check if the value of each cell is a date and adds the months to the date, inserting the result in the adjacent cell.

5. Use Office Scripts to add months to one date

Office Scripts is a new Excel functionality that allows users to automate and customize their calculation sheets. It can be used to create personalized functions, apply conditional formatting and create data validation rules. Here is an example of Office Scripts code to add months to one date:

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
    let rng = workbook.getSelectedRange();
    let rows = rng.getRowCount();
    let cols = rng.getColumnCount();

    // Verifica il numero di colonne
    if (cols 

Add this code to the Office Scripts and Salvalo editor. Then, select the "Data" and "months" columns in your Excel worksheet, choose the "Addmonths" script from the "Office Scripts" drop -down menu in the "Automatizza" tab and press the "Run" button. The code checks your selection, then flows the selected cells, obtain the value of the date from the first column and the number of months to be added from the second column, and then insert the new date in the third column.

In short

In this article, we explored 5 distinct methods to add months to a date in Microsoft Excel. We discovered how to use the high and dated integrated functions, exploit the potential of Power Query, create CODE VBA and Office Scripts. Each of these approaches offers specific advantages based on your needs and the context of use. Now provide the tools and knowledge necessary to easily manage the dates in your spreadsheets, choosing the method that best suits your needs.

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