9 methods to raise a number of Microsoft Excel to the square

Learn how to raise a number of Microsoft Excel to the square through 9 different methods, from the basic formulas to the advanced functions, to improve your efficiency in calculations.

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MicrosoftExcelIt offers numerous methods to raise a number to the square, allowing users to choose the most suitable approach to their needs. Below, we present nine different techniques to perform this operation:

1. Use of the multiplication operator

The simplest method consists in multiplying the number by itself. For example, if the number is in cell B3, the formula will be:

=B3 * B3

This approach is immediate and does not require the use of specific functions.

2. Use of the power operator (^)

Excel allows you to raise a number to a specific power using the operator^. To raise the value to B3 to the square:

=B3 ^ 2

This method is useful for calculating any power of a number.

3. Use of the power function

The functionPOTENZAIt is designed to calculate a high number to a certain power. The syntax to raise the value to the square in B3 is:


This function offers a clear structure for power calculations.

4. Use of the product function

Although the functionPRODOTTOIt is generally used to multiply multiple numbers, it can be used to raise a single number to the square:


This method is particularly useful when you want to multiply a set of numbers.

5. Use of the Somma.Q function

The functionSOMMA.Qreturns the sum of the squares of the topics provided. To raise a single number to B3 to the square:


Even if designed to add more numbers, with a single topic, it simply returns the square of that number.

6. Use of the Special Paste Command

Excel offers the "special paste" function that allows you to perform arithmetic operations during gluing. To raise a set of cells to the square:

  • Copy the interval of cells to be raised to the square.
  • Without changing the selection, click with the right button and choose "Plut special".
  • In the window that appears, select "Multiply" and click on "OK".

This method applies the multiplication of values ​​copied for themselves directly to the selected cells.

7. Use of power query

Power Query is an advanced tool for transforming data into Excel. To raise the numbers to the square using Power Query:

  • Select the data interval and convert it into a table.
  • Go to the "Data" tab and select "From Table/Interval" to open the Power Query editor.
  • In the editor, select the column containing the numbers, go to the "Transform" tab, click on "Standard" and choose "Power".
  • Insert 2 as an exponent and confirm.

This method is ideal for transformations on large data sets.

8. Use of VBA to automate the process

To automate the square elevation via VBA:

    • AwardsAlt + F11to open the VBA editor.

    • Enter a new form and paste the following code:

Sub -high () dim cell as range for each cell in Selection If Isnumeric (Cella.value) then cell.value = cell.value ^ 2 end if next cell end sub
    • Close the editor, go back to Excel, select the cells to be raised to the square, prizesAlt + F8, choose "high" and click on "Perform".

9. Use of Office Scripts for Excel Online

For Excel online users, Office Scripts can be used:

    • Go to the "Automatizza" tab and select "New Script".
    • Enter the following code:
function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
    let sheet = workbook.getActiveWorksheet();
    let range = sheet.getUsedRange();
    let values = range.getValues();

    for (let i = 0; i 
  • Save the script and runTo raise all the numerical values ​​present in the active sheet to the square.

This method is ideal for those who work withExcel onlineand needs to automate repetitive operations.


Raise a number to the square inMicrosoft ExcelIt can be done in different ways, depending on the needs and familiarity with the instrument.From the use of simple formulas to automation with VBA and Office Scripts, each method has its advantages. If you need to speed up the process in large datasets,Power Queries or VBAThey could be the best choice. If instead you are looking for an immediate solution,Excel formulasThey will be more than enough.

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Information about Anna Bruno 358 articles
Anna BrunoHe is a professional journalist, taking his first steps as a reporter for "The Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno”. Subsequently he collaborates with travel specialists (travel and food), including "Travel and Flavors"And"Travel People” and the major technology magazines. In 1998 he founded the communication and digital PR agency “FullPress Agency"” which has been publishing, since 2001, FullTravel.it, online travel magazine andVerdeGusto, food & wine magazine, of which he is managing director. Passionate about off-course, she often gets lost in new paths, waiting to be explored. She is the author of “Chat” (Jackson Libri, Milan, 2001), “Traveling with Internet” (Jackson Libri, Milan, 2001), “Virtual Communities” (Jackson Libri, Milan, 2002), “Digital Travel” (Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2020), “Digital Food” (Dario Flaccovio Editore, Palermo, 2020) and the e-book “How to write effective press releases”. She is the delegate of the travel journalists of the Marche-Umbria-South of the GIST (Italian Tourist Press Group).Digital Travel & Food Specialist, speaker at events in the tourism and food sector and teacher in training courses.

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