All the secrets to build a crosswords with Excel, defining the general formatting of the grid and an advanced system for verifying the text entered.
All the secrets to build a crosswords with Excel, defining the general formatting of the grid and an advanced system for verifying the text entered.
With this lesson we present a quick way to create a cruciver that is aesthetically pleasant, light and full of interactive features, completely innovative compared to as much as possible to do on a sheet of paper: dynamic definition, the possibility of having suggestions to control errors or correct The wrong words.
The main characteristics of the crosswords is to be composed of a series of square boxes within which the letters that provide the solutions are written. In Excel this structure can be reproduced by selecting a number of columns first and then, after a click with the right mouse button, defining the same width with the column width function ..
In the window that appears, the "2" value is typeed which makes the width equipped at the default of the lines, thus creating squares. At this point we widen the view to better center the crosswords during formatting. We select the newly formatted columns plus some left and right choose selection from the zoom drop menu.
Now we create the edges to delimit the area of our crossword. After selecting all the necessary cells (including two columns to leave on the left to insert an image), we choose the formatting all the edges from the edges that recalls from the application menu. Then we redeem everything with the formatting board often box.
To make the designed structure stand out, we can flatten the sheet, as if it were a printed page. By selecting columns in overabundance compared to those that contain the redeemed cells, we choose format> cells> motif and then the white color. Alternatively, you can use the filling palette that can be recalled from the application (bucket icon).
Now we combine the cells that must host the embellishment image. Select the cells and after a click with the right mouse button, we choose the Celle format item on the drop -down menu. In the opted window for the alignment item and then we put a confirmation check on the Unione Celle item. The result will be a single white space as high as our Cruciveserba.
We insert the image. Let's position ourselves more or less up to the empty cell and then choose insert> image> from file .. and browse the folders of the PC to find a suitable image. Give OK. The inserted file will maintain its original size. To modify them, it is necessary to work on its characteristics, directly from Excel, without other graphic applications.
Positioning itself on the image, with a click on the right mouse button choose the image format image from the drop -down menu to what it appears. By recalling the size item, it is possible to establish height and width by fixing new measures in cm or in proportion to the original. In the colors and lines menu, however, it is possible to establish a side dish by working on the line parameter.
Now let's color the black boxes. To speed up the procedure, start coloring a single cell: we select it and with the color palette filling the application (bucket icon) we choose black. We select the cell again and choose the Copy Format function (brush icon). A second click on the cell to color and replicate the procedure.
It is now necessary to make sure that all cells are compiled in the same way when inserting the solutions. By selecting all the crossword, with a click on the right mouse button we recall the cell format. In the alignment window> Text alignment> horizontal we fix the parameter in the center, as well as vertical.
Also in the Celle format control window, we establish the type of character. By type type we choose the Times New Roman (as in the real puzzle week), for the style we opt for the normal value and 10 for the item size. Let's give an ok and we will have the complete structure of the crossword.
Let's move on to the definitions. To fully exploit the potential of Excel, we can make sure that each definition appears once the mouse is positioned on the cell with which a word begins. To do this just insert comments. Let's try: position ourselves on the first cell at the top left and choose insert> comment and then write inside the box.
Now with the right mouse button let's click on the cell in which we just entered a comment: in the menu we choose Edit Comment. A click still with the right mouse button inside the comment and we choose Comment format: in this way we can change type, color, size and style.
Once all the definitions have been inserted, all that remains is to invent a way to facilitate the compilation and verification of the answers. For this you need a copy of the crosswordborn, which is invisible to the reader. We select all the cruciverba, copia and glue it three lines under the one already created, then we insert all the solutions, letter by letter.
Now we reform the second crosswords with the solutions. We select it and in format> cells under the Bordi menu we put anyone, in motif, for the color we select the white, while for the character item, we select in color, the white parameter. After an ok, every element of the second cruciverba will disappear having made everything in white on white.
At this point we insert an expedient to provide indications to those who will perform the crossword. The mechanism from the logical point of view is simple: every letter that is written in the main crossworders if it is incorrect is formatted in red. For this reason, the conditional formatting of Excel must be exploited that recalls from the format menu> conditional formatting.
In the window that appears it is necessary to establish all the parameters. In the Condition drop menu 1 we choose the value of the cell is .. In the second drop -down menu we opt for "it is different from". At this point automatically appears a form. You position yourself inside with a click and go to look with the pointer the corresponding cell in the invisible crossword.
When selecting the cell automatic, a value is written. At this point always in the conditional formatting window, we click on format. In the new window that opens we will establish what to change if the established conditions occur. Specifically, we opt to modify only character> color, choosing the red color. Then we give ok twice.
By repeating the operation for the remaining cells we will have an facilitated multimedia crossword. How does it work? We position ourselves on the cells and the definition in a comment will appear. By writing the solution, by inserting a letter in each cell, we will automatically return a red letter if it is wrong, or in black if the solution is correct.
Tutto molto bello, peccato che la cosa più complicata da fare non sia stata presa in considerazione dalla tua “lezione”: inserire i numeri delle definizioni.
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