In this post we will talk about how to integrate chatgpt into MS Excel. Chatgpt popularity grows day by day. It has a variety of use cases ranging from the health sector to the banking sector.
OpenAI also has a public fir that simplifies the incorporation ofChatGPTin any web application or software. They have an official Python package for the same, but no additional componentExcelFor MS Excel users. Since the web API is available, we can also use it in MS Excel using the VBA code.
Some beginners may not be familiar with VBA but with themacros ofExcel. VBA is basically a programming language used to createExcel macroto automate repetitive activities.
Advantages of the use of chatgpt in Excel
The advantages deriving from the use of chatgpt in Excel are numerous. Some of them are as follows:
- Generation of insights:integratingChat GPT In MS Excel, users can generate insights more easily, allowing them to identify trends and make informed decisions using Excel.
- Automation:MS Excel has advanced features to automate routine activities. The use of chatgpt with Excel will further improve productivity.
- Simple edit:Output (response) easy to modify fromChat GPT in Excel.
- Error detection and problems resolution:Errors in Excel formulas can be frustrating and take a lot of time for debug. By integrating chatgpt, you can use its features to debuts errors in your Excel sheet.
- Structured Output:Easy to record and organize the data in a structured format, facilitating its sharing with team members
Steps to access the chatgpt fipia
The first and most important step is to register using this You can easily do it through your existing Google or Microsoft account. Once finished, it is necessary to obtainthe secret API keyTo use the API. It will seem like this. Copy your API key for future reference.
This chatgpt plugin is compatible with both Windows and macOS operating systems.
How to install the additional component
When downloading an additional component or a macro file from the Internet, Microsoft blocks its execution and shows that the origin of this file is not reliable. It is necessary to follow the following steps to make it work.
- Go to the folder where the file of theAdditional component downloaded.
- Click the right mouse buttonon the file and choosePropertyfrom the menu.
- At the bottom of theGeneral tab, select the control boxUnlockunder the optionSecurity, then clickOK.
Refer to the following steps to install the additional chatgpt component in MS Excel.
- Open Excel and click on the
card in the multifunction bar. - Click
and then selectAdd-ins
from the menu on the left. - In the
drop -down menu at the bottom of the screen, selectExcel Add-ins
and click onGo
button. - Click on
button and identify the file of the unloaded additional component. - Select the additional component file and click on
button. - You should see the name of the additional component file in the
dialog box. Select the box next to the name of the additional component to activate it. - Once the previous steps are finished, a new card called
Chat GPT
It should be visible in the Excel working folder.
How to use the Excel Additional Component of Chatgpt
Follow the following steps to use the additional chatgpt component for MS Excel.
- Open a new or existing working folder
- Enter the text you want to ask for chatgpt in any cell
- Click on the tabChat GPT>AI assistant
- Enter your API key and select model type
- Select the cell in which you inserted the text in passage 2
- The output will be generated and will appear within a few seconds.
- When you want chatgpt to be performed on multiple cells, you can use the
function. See details in the next section.
Additional component Chatgpt Excel: Functions
The main advantage of the Excel additional component is that it does not depend on a file such as the Macro work folder and can be easily shared between work folders and different users. This additional component has the followingseven functionsthat you can use to get answers from chatgpt and insert them in Excel.
AIAssistant(text, [word_count])
: generates and provides the output of the search query using chatgpt.
– text:text you want to search for
– word_count:optional. Specify the maximum number of words for the output generated by chatgpt.AIAssistant_Chat(text, [reset])
: The Converse website like Chatgpt recalls previous conversations.
– text:text you want to search for
– reset:optional. Start/reset the chat session.AIAssistant_FillData(rng_existingdata, rng_fill)
: Fill incomplete data by training chatgpts on existing data.
– rng_existingdata:Training data interval
– rng_fill:Specifies the cell that must be compiled.AIAssistant_Extractor(prompt, keyword)
: Extract the key data from chatgpt. The key data can be the name, place, details of the organization etc.
– prompt:Specify the cell that contains the text from which you want to extract the key data.
– keyword:The key word can be the name, place, organization, etc.AIAssistant_Translator(text, language)
: Translates the text from one language to another.
– text:Specifies the cell that contains the text you want to translate.
– tongue:Name of the language. For example Spanish, French, etc.AIAssistant_Explain(cell_formula, [detail])
: It helps you to explain the Excel formula that you don't understand and you need support.
– cell_formula:Cella containing an Excel formula that you want chatgpt you explain to you.
– detail:optional. The default value is true. Set false if you want a less detailed response.AIAssistant_Insights(rng_data, [prompt])
: generates insights on the data from the data set provided.
– rng_data:specifies the cells containing data (including the header).
– request:optional. Provide the specific information you want on data.
To type the functions faster, type first
, then use the up or down arrow key to select the desired function and finally press theTab
Search with ChatGPT
Function uses chatgpt to look for information and enter the results in Excel. See the example below.
= AIAA AIMA assistant ("First President of the United States")
If you want to limit the chatgpt response to a maximum of 2 words, specify "2" as a second topic of the function. For example,=AIAssistant("First President of US", 2)
Invoke ChatGPT conversations
By default, when we send API requests to Openai, it does not call the previous conversations. Consider every request bees as a new chat. It means that when he answers your current question, he does not remember your previous question.
To improve the chatgpt ability to remember previous conversations we can use the functionAIAssistant_Chat(text, [reset])
. Set the second topicreset
start/reset chat.
- Note:both of these functions
they generateAIAssistant_Chat()
Output for the search query. HoweverAIAssistant_Chat()
Also allows Chatgpt to remember your previous conversations, which increases the use of tokens and costs more. It is recommended to set the second topic of the functionreset
When it is not necessary chatgpt to recall previous conversations.
About the data
Follow the following steps to generate insights on the data or find models hidden in your data with this plug-in.
- Click on
Generate Insights
button on the chatgpt tab on the multifunction bar in Excel. - In the message dialog box, select the cells containing the data (including the header) and then click on "OK". For example, A1: D101.
- Wait for the insights generated by the chatgpt fipas.
- In the message dialog box, select a cell where the output will be saved. For example, F2.
- Select "yes" or "no" if you want that the output is populated on multiple lines or on a single line.
It is also possible to analyze the data using the functionAIAssistant_Insights(rng_data, [prompt])
. The second topic of the function is optional and, by default, extracts key information from the data if nothing is specified in the second topic. See the syntax of the Aiassistant_insights () function below.
= Aiassistant_insights (A1: D101, "generates the 5 main insights")
Translate with ChatGPT
If you are trying to translate text using the Excel plugin, you should try theAIAssistant_Translator
function. Use chatgpts to help you with accurate translations. Simply enter the text you want to translate and the name of the language, will use the language skills of Chatgpt to provide you with the translations.
= Aiassistant_translator ("Hello, how are you?", "German")
Extract key information
function can be used to recover key information such as name, position, etc. from the text. For example, you suppose you have the text "Dave went to New York for studies" in cell B2. You want to extract the name and position from the text. Enter the following formula in Cel C2 and D2 cells.
= Aiassistant_extractor (B2, "Name") = aiassistant_extractor (B2, "location")
Fill in the missing data
function can be used for different purposes. See some of the real use cases below.
- Sentiment analysisYou can label positive/negative/neutral feelings on customer feedback data. You just have to provide some labels in the first topic of the function.
- Classification of industry/sectorYou have the name of a company and you want to discover their industries/sectors.
- Text pattern extractionThere are text data that contain both characters and numerical values. Using this function it is possible to extract numeric values from the text.
Learn Excel formulas
Function helps you understand any Excel formula. For example, suppose you have a formula in cell B2: = Vlookup (B2, $ b $ 2: $ d $ 5.2, false). If you enter this formula = Aiassistant_explain (B2) in cell C2, will provide an explanation for the search.vert.
Handle non-English letters
Sometimes the non -English letters are not properly displayed in the response from the chatgpt fipas. This problem is related to UTF-8 coding. To solve this problem you can useCleanMsg(ChatGPT_response)
the function. Refer to the following example.
= Cleanmsg (Aiassistant ("Write a post on Instagram on 'Good morning' in Spanish")))
If you are satisfied with the additional component above, it is not necessary to switch to the other following methods to integrate chatgpt in Excel. The following methods are only alternatives to the use of the additional component, but are less effective and include manual passages.
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Buonasera! Grazie per aver letto il nostro articolo e per esserti abbonato alla nostra newsletter. Al momento in cui scrivo, ChatGPT per Excel è ancora disponibile gratuitamente. Tuttavia, se lei utilizza le API di ChatGPT quelle sono a pagamento (anche se il prezzo è davvero molto basso). Consiglio sempre di verificare direttamente sul sito ufficiale di ChatGPT per eventuali aggiornamenti sulle politiche di prezzo. Restiamo a disposizione per ulteriori domande o chiarimenti. Grazie!