If we took the great step of getting on a diet we need to keep everything under control: we want to proudly see every lost gram, graphic in hand!
If we took the great step of getting on a diet we need to keep everything under control: we want to proudly see every lost gram, graphic in hand!
Let's openExcel, we click on File Menu and select the new item ... A side panel opens on the right, as we see in the figure, designed to integrate the search for models already pre -filled also on the web. We click on Empty Working Folder and immediately save the file with the name Control I controlled.XLS.
We start inserting the dates. When we put ourselves on a diet, in order not to risk becoming paranoid, it is better to set up a weekly control frequency. We click on the B to select the entire column (even if we leave the first five lines for summary data that we will enter later) and from the format menu we select cells.
Let's go to the number number, under the category item we choose Date and in the list we choose the method of displaying the dates that seems more comfortable. We press OK and type the first date in cell B7: in our example file it was that of Sunday 22/05/05. In the cell below we type the date of the following week, 29/05/05.
We select both cells and place the cursor over the square which is located on the bottom right in the selection pane. As soon as the cursor changes shape, we click and drag down and Excel will start to automatically insert the other dates, with the weekly intervals, until we release the mouse button.
The time interval that will be examined in the example file that we are making, and that you can download, is until 31/12/2005. Once you enter the dates we write the labels for the data that we will enter. Let's go to cell C6 and type weight, chest, waist, hips, IMC, where IMC is for body mass index.
Before starting to do the calculations, finish creating the tables to check the variations of weight and measurements. We continue in Riga 6, jumping the column H, and we write weight of weight, drop in waistline, drop in hips. To format the text of the cells from the format menu, select cells and operate the appropriate changes in the character and alignment cards.
Here, now let's position ourselves in the first cell relating to the body mass index and insert the formula = C7/(h*h), where at h we must replace our height. Once this is done, we place the cursor over the square in the selection pane and drag down to copy the formula in the entire column and check the variations to our IMC.
Let's go to the decline control table. We type zero in all three columns in the first line. Let's position ourselves in the second line of the column of the weight loss table. Here we have to insert a function. In fact, it is not enough, making a subtraction between a series and the next: if the latter has not yet been inserted Excel would return the previous value as a result.
We must therefore make sure that it verifies before the data is different from scratch, otherwise it does not have to perform the operation. We click on the Function button in the Formula bar, in the dialog box select if and press OK. In the test condition we insert C8> 0: if this is true then we perform C7-C8, if it is false then the result must be zero.
We press OK in the dialog box and, with the cell still selected, click on the square in the selection edge of the cell and drag down to copy the formula to the entire column. In this way we can clearly see how much weight we will have lost week by week.
The same operation repeat it regarding the function that calculates the weekly decline in the sapita measurements: we create the function with the test condition and then copiance it in the column. It will not be necessary to repeat the operation also for the third column as, being contiguous to that of the waist, it can be copied by dragging from this.
Let's go back to line two of the document and select the Celle B and C. Click with the right button and select Celle format. In the alignment tab we activate the Celle Union check box. Inside the cell we type in weight. We activate the cell next to it, the E2 and activate the automatic sum instrument on the toolbar.
We select the entire interval of the column of weight loss for drag. In this way we will have the total of the kilos lost in the foreground, automatically updated as we enter the data in the main table. We repeat the same operation for the decrease in the waist and the drop in hips.
We now select the entire data area, inclusive of dates and labels and from the Menu Insert you select graphic designer. Given the type of data, the preferable graphic genre is in the area (it is also good 3D). If we have correctly selected the table with the values in the section relating to the data of origin, we must not touch anything. In the next step we customize how we prefer and we did.
Finally, we give a reorganized to the whole if we wanted to print it. First of all, we verify with the print preview if we manage to return the page correctly within the margins (but it almost never happens). Then from the menu View we activate preview of page interruptions and drag the lines outlined to define the printing area. And now we celebrate weight loss!
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